
you looking for cheap Garrett Wade Chalk Line Marker Yellow Chalk Powder?

Best Buy Garrett Wade Chalk Line Marker Yellow Chalk Powder Sale

before decision to buy, I searches on on line so long time. So I gathered a store that sells Garrett Wade Chalk Line Marker Yellow Chalk Powder and compare prices to. Some stores offers me fast shipping.

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Garrett Wade Chalk Line Marker Yellow Chalk Powder Specification

Garrett Wade Chalk Line Marker Yellow Chalk Powder Overview

When you need to mark a long straight line an ordinary chalk marker will do, but ours makes the job much easier, and much more professional with its very fine line. The chalk line is 40 ft. long, and a folding crank is used for rewind. The line passes through a felt block to ensure an even distribution of powder. You have a choice of three chalk colors to use. Made in Japan.Note: Due to a cosmetic design change, the appearance and color of this marker may be slightly different from that pictured.Click here to Download a PDF* formatted informational / instructional sheet.(*Note: Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader) [else][endif] [if ]

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